Monday, April 9, 2012

Phone Cases

I've been playing around with some of the advanced features of Society 6, and I'm happy to say that they've paid-off in the form of phone cases for the iPhone!  It feels weird messing around with so much merch lately.  Normally, I'd think of a drawing, I'd make a drawing, and then I'd stash the drawing in my portfolio, to be closely guarded and never shown.

Well, fuck that.

Where's the fun in keeping my preciousssss if I can't shove it under the nose of the world? It's time to work on really interacting with the world and branching out of my own personal drawing space.  Did you know that the Earth has  510,072,000 km 2 of space?  Yeah.  That's a lot of posters.  and cases.  and shirts.  and love, hate, boredom, passion, evil, all of those good emotions.  So, long story short, all of these bits of swag I've been making have been a part of me breaking out of my old tiny skin so that I squirm out all slimy-like and grow and get biggerer and be all personable.  Or, something like that.  Peace, all.


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