Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Upcoming Gallery Show

I've got a gallery show at the most excellent Jungle Science Gallery in downtown Binghamton, NY!  I will be displaying a number of large and small-scale drawings for the duration of the exhibit.  Original works will be for sale, and prints will be made available at the same time on my Society 6 website.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm on Society 6!


Here in Binghamton, New York, we've been slammed pretty hard by storm flooding.  As a result, I was grounded in my apartment for a while, and was thinking about getting around to some much-needed public upkeep.  So! Without further ado, here is my official online storefront for all the happy mortals to visit.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Man of the Ancient World

Tried doing Spitwash for the first time.  It was a little awkward, but exciting! I've been working on so many things lately, with a special project that will be revealed soon!
Considering the painting, there are still ways that I can improve my techniques visual style, and since this was spitwash Numero Uno, that means my gradients are going to get tighter.  Hurray!  But wow, what a difference a few months make.  Looking back at my earlier works, I already see them under a new light.
Also, gonna start using some watermarks as a just in case.  There are some crafty, thiefty persons out there, and they don't have a day pass.