Tuesday, November 22, 2011

lightning Lady

This is a For-Fun project.  Now, I have this wonderful, vibrantly red hoodie that came into my possession after wandering through a Salvation Army store.  Unfortunately, I was not the greatest caretaker of the sweater, and made a great, ugly grease stain on the front around the hem, much to my chagrin.  I found a project on Instructables for how to make a ghetto-version screen-printing setup that really intrigued me and inspired me to create a design-- one that will be used with some strategic 50/50 bleach stenciling to cover the horrid mark.  And so, this is the drawing I came up with.  Once I've got some dollars to throw at the project, it's full steam ahead!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Biomech Heart

More Homework!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Iterations of a Homework


Aaaaaand Here are the previous homework iterations.  Started out with something traditional, and ended up completely biomech.  Hell yeah.  The third Didn't get inked in yet.  I kinda skipped that step and went right for the next one...


The text is German for "God knows not"
Shawn, my master, has been giving me homework assignments regularly now.  Each one, so far, has been about the use and reinvention of the same subject matter.  In this case, the subject was the inclusion of a Skull and Crossbones, two to three Roses, an All-Seeing Eye, and a Banner.  This is Iteration #5.  It is quite obviously a very biomechanical interpretation of the subject matter.  I will post the other iterations soon!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Scenes from my 'GHOSTS' show, and other great news.


I tried to keep the people presence in the photos to a minimum, but there needed to be some for scale reference.  And I couldn't help capturing the po-po standing in front of my drawings!  The other Great News:  I am an Apprentice at The Shamans Den!  The first (and perhaps most significant) hurdle has been hurded with aplombastiousness.

As an end note, these past two months have been like a whirlwind, filled with the meetings of wondrous people, meteoric shifts in life, and a liberal dousing of awesome sauce.  May it never end.